Forum 4444

Citizen organization “Forum 4444” is non-governmental and non-profit organization founded to achieve goals in the areas of the rule of law and protection of civil freedom and rights, areas under the jurisdiction of the security sector, sport and many other areas that improve citizen quality of life.
Organisation was founded on the 30.10.2018. and was registered by Agency for Business Registers on the 07.11.2018. , register number BU-9580/2018.


The goals of the organization are: aid in the conduction of European Integration reforms, citizen education, especially of the children and the youth, concerning potential risks due to criminal activity, analysis of occurrences and trends that might have negative repercussions on civil safety, creating a safety framework within IT technology usage, preventive activities against corruption, preventive activities in the fight against illegal drug and steroid abuse and alcoholism, along with improving sport and public life safety in general.


Activities undertaken  to achieve goals of the organization:
– collects and processes scientific and professional literature in the fields of activity;
– organizes, alone or in conjuction with other organizations, professional meetings, consultantions, seminars and other forms of vocational education in these fields;
– publishes books and other publications ;
– engages legal entities and entrepreneurs registered for printing ( books, publications, promontional and other leaflets );
– engages legal entities, enterpreneurs and experts in the IT field to promote the goals of the organization and the organization’s projects through social networks and web portals;
– organizes and engages scientific and professional staff to work on scientific, professional and research projects in the field of activity;
– engages and cooperates with experts in various fields;
– engage marketing and other agencies to promote the goals of the organization and organization’s projects;
– cooperates with universities, professional associations and other organizations and institutions in the country and abroad that are engaged;
– provides consultancy services in normative acts regarding full compliance with generally accepted standards;
– initiatives to align domestic legislation with EU standards in the areas in which it operates;
– strategic cooperation with non-governmental organizations from the country and abroad in all areas;
– promote and organize campaigns aimed at preventive actions in the areas of work;
– provides services within its operations.


“Forum 4444″ is aimed at individuals, groups of citizens and institutions. It conducts its activities in cooperation with other organizations and citizens in order to benefit the social communities and the quality of life of its citizens and to increase the sense of security of both the community and individuals.


“A man at the center of a safe and socially responsible Republic of Serbia where the rule of law is established and the liberties and rights of citizens are inforced.”


The citizen’s organization “Forum 4444” has submitted an application to the Svilajnac municipality public competition for 2018. The name of the project was „Program for Strengthening Organizational and Preventive Capacities in Combating Crime and Corruption in the Municipality of Svilajnac – Formation of the Municipal Security Council“. The project was successfully implemented and during the project three documents were produced: „ Analyses of the security situation in the municipality of Svilajnac“, „ Strategy for the improvement of community safety“ and „ Communication plan“.

Contact Information:

Adress: Vladimira Nikolića 12, Belgrade, Serbia
Email: [email protected]